Amy, Abigail Boyer spaghetti dinner benefit dinner. All proceeds to help Amy & Abigail with their living expenses during Abigail’s month of chemo treatments at John Hopkins’
Hospital in Baltimore. Also Amy will not have any job income for three of the four weeks of treatment.
Abigail Boyer, 6 years old, lives in Warrior’s Mark, PA and attends Tyrone Elementary School. Her mother Amy and brother Andrew ((5 years old) worship with us at Grace Church, Tyrone. In June, Abigail had a melanoma tumor surgically removed from her arm. Upon biopsy results, a team of Oncologists at John Hopkins Hospital consulted and were very concerned for cancer in other parts of Abigail’s body. They recommended an intense month of chemotherapy as follow up treatment to the surgery. Amy lost her husband to cancer less than 2 years ago, so naturally her concern is great. As her family in Christ we are walking beside her in prayer and in various practical ways both private and public. This benefit dinner is open to all to join the Boyer family with their needs.
                 Adults $6.00; (ages 12 & Up)
                 Children 4 -11 years old $3.00 ;
                 Children under 4 free
Tickets can be purchased by calling the church at 814-684-5016.