Sermons from April 2019

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The Victorious Lamb


Jesus is the Last, Victorious, Risen Lamb. Only one sacrifice got back up off the altar! Someday, you may think that the victory has not been won, that the Lamb was not enough. Just remember, it might just be your Friday. Sunday is still coming. The Lamb, Jesus Christ, is enough, and he is victorious.



You might be going through something you don’t know if you are going to get on the other side of. In Christ, no pain lasts forever. We have hope in the power of the Holy Spirit, the power of the resurrection, and the power of God.

Three Thieves on Calvary


God’s justice points to our sin, everything we have done wrong and says, “You are guilty of breaking the Law of a holy God. Justice demands your life.” Jesus points to the cross and answers, “Take My life instead. That debt has been paid in full.”

Kingdom Come : Christ’s Work


The church that was started by Christ is still continued by Christ, protected by Christ, testifies to Christ, is centered on Christ, points others to Christ, and is growing the Kingdom of Christ. Christ’s Kingdom Come is all about Christ doing His work in and through us.